Table of Contents

Create Webserver SSL Certificate for IIS Default Website

Create a CSR (Certificate Service Request) to Submit to the CA (Certificate Authority)

Bit length:  accept 1024
Check the box for Select Cryptographic Provider (CSP), and click Next.
Select radio button next to Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider.
Organization information - 
Organization:  Your Organization Name (like IBM)
Organizational Unit: Your Organization Unit / Division (like IBM Services).  Click Next.
Common Name for your site:
Country: US (United States)
State / Province: enter name of your state. Next.

Save the certreq.txt file to your documents folder.

It is time t o

Upload the certreq.txt file to your Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate Service

In Internet Explorer address input on the server, go to


Upon login challenge, respond by entering the login credentials of the server Administrator, such as:

Username: DOMAINNAME\Administrator

Password: (the Administrator Password)

Microsoft Certificate Services should appear in the browser. Under Select a Task, Select the link to Request a Certficate. On the next page, Select the link to Submit an Advanced Certificate Request. On the next page, Select the linke for Submit a Certificate Request by Submitting a Base-64-encoded CMC or PKCS #10 file.

The next page should be captioned, Select a Certificate Request or Renewal Request.

Click Browse for file to insert. (Before the browser will let you browse for a file, you may first need to add this website to trusted sites in your browser security settings). Browse again for CERTREG.TXT file you saved earlier. Click the READ button to insert the contents of CERTREG.TXT. Select the appropriate Certificate Template: Web Server Leave Additional Attributes Input box empty. Next. Download certificate file as - Base64 encoded - named certnew.cer and save it to your documents folder.

Now its time to

import the web server certificate to the IIS default website

The information shown will look something like this:

Issued To:
Issued By:
Expiration Date:  9-18-2011
Intended Purpose:  Server Authentication
Friendly Name:
Country: US
State: Confusion (or the name of your state)
Organization:  XYC Inc
Organization Unit: XYZ Inc Services
net stop w3svc (enter)

Service is stopping

net start w3svc (enter)

Service is starting