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How to Clear HSTS Strict Transport Security for a Particular Domain URL in Google Chrome

Have you been prevented from visiting a site because Google Chrome web browser says it is insecure and displays a message regarding privacy? If you read more from that warning page, it may say something about strict transport security and HSTS. It may be that the server that is hosting the website that is configured for strict transport security for one or more of its hosts (i.e. website URL's), and that there is some sort of conflict among which host to serve to you through Chrome. If you click on insecure in the browser and check the invalid SSL certificate, it probably belongs to a different domain than the one you are trying to reach in your browser. So, how can I try to fix this?

Input to the address bar of Google Chrome the following:


Query the URL or Domain or Alias for which Chrome has privacy concerns.

Then, in the “Delete” section, input the offending URL, Domain, or Alias, and click the Delete button.

Now try reaching your URL.

clear_hsts_strict_transport_security_domain_google_chrome.1689170293.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/12 13:58 by wikiadmin