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Installing php-imagick module on Ubuntu 22.04

Now, those who are using some PHP-based applications, for example, WordPress, and required php-imagick package or extension on their Ubuntu 22.04 server to enable image manipulation capabilities can use the given command.

sudo apt-get install php-imagick

It will install the ImageMagick extension for PHP, depending upon the PHP version available to install. For example in Ubuntu 22.04, while the time of writing this article the current version was php8.1.

To check the extension is installed successfully, use:

php -m | grep imagick

Don’t forget to reload Apache or Nginx web server after installing extensions:

sudo systemctl reload apache2


sudo systemctl reload nginx
installing_php_imagick_module_ubuntu_22_04.1687312343.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/21 01:52 by wikiadmin