Setting a Static IP Address in Ubuntu 24.04
First Backup Your network configuration file that contains your DHCP default.
user@svr: cd /etc/netplan [Enter] user@svr:/etc/netplan$ ls [Enter] 50-cloud-init.yaml user@svr:/etc/netplan$ sudo cp 50-cloud-init.yaml 50-cloud-init.yaml-bak [Enter] user@svr:/etc/netplan$ ls [Enter] 50-cloud-init.yaml 50-cloud-init.yaml-bak
Example Configuration for a Static IP. Use Vim or Nano to edit 50-cloud-init.yaml
sudo vim 50-cloud-init.yaml
Edit the file according to the following example, but substituting your network name, Lan IP addresses, Routes (to your router's gateway), and your Nameservers rather than Google's.
network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: eno1: dhcp4: no addresses: - routes: - to: default via: nameservers: addresses: [,]
Apply the network changes:
user@svr: /etc/netplan$ sudo netplan apply
Check the status of the network changes:
if config -a
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setting_static_ip_address_ubuntu_24_04.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/29 17:34 by wikiadmin